Video: Synod Discussion on Zoom with Sister Elizabeth Davis

Sr. Elizabeth Davis (RSM), was one of 54 women voting members at the historic “Synod on Synodality” at the Vatican from October 4-29, 2023.  In this recording of her January 17 presentation, for which 300 persons registered, she speaks of her experience of being a Synod member, some challenges/opportunities she sees for Catholics world wide, some implications of being “a synodal church in mission”, and her sense of urgency in the importance of Catholics engaging the process more deeply, prior to the next session of the Synod in October 2024.

This Zoom was inspired by the example of nine members of the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE) who also went to Rome in October 2023, participated in a “Synod outside the walls”, and met with Elizabeth at that time.

The Zoom was actualized through a unique collaboration among the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE-Western region), Reseau Compassion Network (RCN), the Grey Nuns of Montreal (SGM), and the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM).

May this video help all of us discern how we can further participate in the process of becoming a Synodal church.