The WAC Press Conference: A Summary Report
Here is a summary report on the Zoom press conference organized by We Are Church International, and moderated by Colm Holmes of WOW and WAC-Ireland: Six invited panelists presented perspectives on…
Here is a summary report on the Zoom press conference organized by We Are Church International, and moderated by Colm Holmes of WOW and WAC-Ireland: Six invited panelists presented perspectives on…
The second session of the Synod on Synodality begins today, October 2, in Rome. Two CNWE women, Rosemary Ganley and myself (Susan Roll), joined the WOC group. Rosemary Ganley (third…
Here is a two minute video, sent out by the U.S. based Women’s Ordination Conference (WOC). The “Women’s Walk” they organized (WOC’s Walk as it were!) was one of their…
Rome Reflections Day 3 Posted on October 4, 2023 by Mary-Ellen Morgenstern Our spot in Rome is extraordinary. While the rooms are simple but spacious and lovely, we have an…
To the staff and members of WOC, WATER, Future Church, and Call to Action, from the members of the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality, (CNWE), Canada In the aftermath of the…