Last Chance to Sign the Petition regarding the New Roman Missal!

Over the past year, members of the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE) have experienced and studied the New Roman Missal and its process of development. We are  dissatisfied with the New Missal because of its inherent pre-Vatican II theology (overemphasizing human sinfulness and unworthiness before a monarchical God rather than God’s unconditional love for us as a “pilgrim” people made in God’s image), its awkward translation from Latin into English and its rejection of the use of inclusive language.

We have also learned that the process of development of the Missal was overridden by a small committee of the Vatican that made 10 000 changes to a widely accepted 1998 draft Missal produced by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL).

We hope that you will join us in expressing our dissatisfaction with the New Roman Missal by signing our petition at www. .

The petition will be delivered in person to Archbishop Prendergast of Ottawa on December 5, 2012.  Four CNWE members will meet with Archbishop Prendergast to express CNWE’s concerns with the New Roman Missal and to offer him an opportunity to respond. The petition will also be copied to all the bishops of Canada after the meeting.

This week is your last chance to sign CNWE’s petition! We invite you to share this petition with family and friends. The petition will close on December 3, 2012. Sign on with the orange button to your right on the screen!

(Also please be sure to reply to the one email that asks you to confirm your signature by clicking on the link provided in the email.)