Rome Reflections Day 2 – CNWE members at Synod
Posted on October 2, 2023 by Jeannie McKibbon and Nancy Quan
We have arrived in Rome on the eve of the synod. Our Canadian CNWE contingent is here and the mood amongst our group is hopeful and determined. We are struck by the resolve of these women and men who love their faith but have been hurt by their Church. That echoes for us too. It’s not anger that brings us all here but rather determination that things can be different and that we can be part of the change. For if not us, then who?
We are inspired by the words of Pope Francis at the ceremony for the creation of the new Cardinals in which he said:
“Diversity is necessary; it is indispensable. However, each sound must contribute to the common design,” Continuing with the metaphor of an orchestra he continued “This is why mutual listening is essential: each musician must listen to the others.”
So on this eve of the opening of the synods we are hopeful that all voices will be heard and considered. We have various events planned over the next several days in collaboration with other reform minded groups from around the world. We will stand in solidarity, shoulder to shoulder, with these groups. We look ahead with gratitude to all the woman who gone before us working for justice and we look behind at those who have our backs. We hold the prayers and good wishes and hopes of our supporters close. You could say it’s our song book.
As we walked the streets of Rome tonight in the glory of the architecture and history which surrounds us, we think about the historic nature of this synod. And we are so grateful to be here, in this moment, in this place, sharing it with you and raising our voices for reform!